Zassenhaus – Coffee/Espresso mill Barista Pro


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You do not need a barista training to prepare a perfect coffee. The coffee/espresso grinder BARISTA PRO by Zassenhaus delivers a result like in the Italian bar. It has twelve grinder settings, the right one for every coffee speciality. A very fine grinding degree is ideal for sieve carriers and Turkish mocha jugs. The coffee beans for AeroPress and stove pots or filter siphon should be medium fine. Medium to coarse ground powder belongs in the French Press and for the Bayreuth pot a coarse grinding degree is correct. On the underside of the mill, adjust the grinder in fine steps. The sharp teeth and cutting edges of the high-performance grinding mechanism made of CNC-milled stainless steel are extremely precise. The modern mill made of aluminium and stainless steel is also visually convincing.

  • Height: 19 cm
  • Ø: 4.5 cm
  • Weight: 0.422 kg
  • Material: aluminum / stainless steel

Enjoyment and quality of life are more related to kitchen and cooking than everything
else. This includes the preparation, too. The aroma of fresh hand ground coffee, fresh peppercorns or spicy pepper remember of the past. Zassenhaus stands in this context all times with its coffee and spice mills.

Passion and craftsmanship draw the Zassenhaus products, which impress with creative beauty, technical precision and innovation as well as sturdiness and stand for timeless elegance and aesthetics. Spices and coffee unfold through the processing of the various products of the Zassenhaus mill collection perfect their flavors.


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